Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rites of Spring Are Bursting Out All Over

So, right at the same time as I'm in the midst of (w)riting a short article* called "Rites of Spring" inspired (sort of) by Stravinsky's iconic The Rite of Spring (which, of course, inspired a riot), I start seeing regular Twitter updates from Terry Teachout about the upcoming premiere (tonight) of his new opera/musical theater collaboration with Paul Moravec, Danse russe, which is all about the creation of The Rite. And, via another Twitter acquaintance, I learn about The Bad Plus' recent performance of On Sacred Ground, which is essentially a performance of The Rite of Spring by piano, bass, and percussion. Iconic, indeed. You can sample Danse russe here and hear all of On Sacred Ground here, ri(gh)t now.

Well, it is Spring, after all. So, here are some of my past (w)ritings on the subject:

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