My "12 Composers of Christmas" first debuted online in 2005 as a family Christmas card. (It even got a brief mention on a Boston Globe blog.) It made it to Youtube in 2007 and now I've finally updated it with some vocals. Perhaps someday I'll make a more sophisticated choral arrangement, but for this year, I used my own in-house chorus to do the job - and a charming job they do:
I know Christmas is barely more than a day away, but maybe we can maybe this thing go viral. It's up to you.
For other MMmusing Christmas specials, check out last year's post: Sleigh Ride of the Valkyries, Sleigh Ride in a Fast Machine, the Vertical Christmas Medley, Trippin' with Chestnuts...sure to put you in the Christmas spirit. Or something.
MMerry Christmas!
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