Monday, December 23, 2013

MMerry Christmas!

My "12 Composers of Christmas" first debuted online in 2005 as a family Christmas card. (It even got a brief mention on a Boston Globe blog.) It made it to Youtube in 2007 and now I've finally updated it with some vocals. Perhaps someday I'll  make a more sophisticated choral arrangement, but for this year, I used my own in-house chorus to do the job - and a charming job they do:

I know Christmas is barely more than a day away, but maybe we can maybe this thing go viral. It's up to you.

For other MMmusing Christmas specials, check out last year's postSleigh Ride of the Valkyries, Sleigh Ride in a Fast Machine, the Vertical Christmas Medley, Trippin' with Chestnuts...sure to put you in the Christmas spirit. Or something.

MMerry Christmas!

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