Saturday, February 28, 2009

Piano Hero Trailer Enabled

I only just realized that I'd accidentally set the Piano Hero Trailer video as "private" and thus unviewable by pretty much everyone. It has now been let out of the garage and into the blogosphere, so take a look. There are some fumbled notes that drive me crazy every time I watch it, but I am proud of what happens at the end of the video.


  1. Wow, those guys really sounded like an orchestra! Just kidding. . . Actually, Sam, who was watching with me, did a doubletake when the orchestra came in, saying, "Hey, what's going on?" It was fun, even energizing, to see the video; I'd somehow envisioned you all on separate pianos, although that made no logical sense. What's next? Brahms?

  2. Great stuff - love the piano duet/two piano repertoire. It's also terrific fun, as you have managed to communicate in your fascinating blogs.
    I share with you a fascination for works "transformed" - you can learn so much about a piece by playing a four hand version.
    I just wish I could come to one of your performances.

  3. Thanks, Frank. We've had nice audiences for our first two performances, but the truth is I'd be thrilled to be doing this with no audience. We need more chamber music/piano duo jam session in our home...

    Sandi, up next is Beethoven 3, aka the "Piano Heroica" Symphony. Two pianos this time, but still just two pianists. Hopefully in the future is a 2-piano/8-hand arrangement of Beethoven 5
