Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Armageddon Averted

So, maybe I was silly to think that my viewing habits would affect the outcome of the Yankees-Indians series. I had feared that by abandoning the Indians on Sunday night (after helping them build a 2-0 lead), I had set in motion a chain of events that would result in another Red Sox-Yankees postseason nightmare. Well, the Yankees went down for good last night, and the world is a more orderly place. Now I've returned to the more rational understanding that my powers are only strong enough to change games in which Boston is actually participating. Just to be clear, it's not that I don't think Boston could have beaten New York, or even found them less beatable than Cleveland. It's just that a series against the Indians feels like exactly what it is: a series of games in which one team will win and the other lose. That's fine. Sox-Yankees never feels like that, even during relatively unimportant regular season games. Every game is excruciating. So, hooray for regular baseball.

The Sox-Yankees thing is a good example of something so good it becomes too good. Sports are much more fun when you care what happens - but it turns out too much caring can be not so much fun. I'm sure it says something bad about me that I almost care more about the Yankees not winning than I care about the Red Sox winning, but that's just one of many bad things that can be said about me. I can live with that.

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