Monday, August 20, 2007

Don't give up on me . . .

I'll be back blogging soon, but the last few days of summer vacation have me turning my energy to "Spring Cleaning," "Fall prep" and Family Time. It seems to be a low-energy time in the classical music blogosphere anyway. Not sure when I'll get something substantive posted, although as usual I have several half-finished posts getting drafty. I also just finished up selecting another major haul of music from and have finally cancelled my subscription, having gotten about as much as I want from them. I believe the final tally for about a $60 investment over five or six months is about 38+ hours of music. Now that's a lot of music to listen to, and that's something I'd like to start catching up on as well. Back to cleaning . . . and listening to a wonderful recording of the Schubert Fantasie with Viktoria Mullova and Katia Labeque. What a crazy wonderful piece!

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