Thursday, June 7, 2007

almost back

. . . trying . . . to . . . resist . . . turning this . . . into . . . a baby blog . . . but, here he is.

regular blogging resumes tomorrow.


  1. Lovely! By Day 7 he looks like he has musicians fingers...

  2. Yep. He doesn't like the Hanon, but it's good for him.

  3. They grow up so fast. Hard to believe that in a week he'll be two weeks old. Where does the time go? Sigh.


  4. Saith Son of MMmusing: "You're not kidding, Mr. Bootles. I feel like I could've done so much more with those seven days. Among other disappointments, my parents only managed to watch one movie this past week - and it took them three nights! [Under-appreciated benefit of being an infant: getting to watch movies you probably won't get to see again for 15 years.] Here's the kind of thing Dad's been up to when he should've been doting on me. I've decided to get used to it."

  5. Dear Son of MMmusing,

    In the TV biz we call your introduction to film a "deep" tease. I know it is hard to understand right now, but your parents are giving you a 15 year promotional tease for good movies for you to watch in the future. The three day episodic approach may be some kind of attempt to simulate commercial breaks. Who knows?

    About your dad's struggle between selfishly following his own interests rather than dote on you, let me explain. Cuteness only goes so far. Babies your age make this mistake all the time. It's ok. Chalk it up to a rookie mistake. You have to find a way to parlay all of that natural cuteness into something productive, like piano tuning or home IT specialist...

    More later… I am writing this to avoid doting on my very cute and marginally productive children.

    Mr. Bootles
