Monday, February 26, 2007

Yeah, right . . .

Joyce Hatto's husband has finally admitted to the fraud that everyone already knew was a fraud. This confession is just about useless, filled as it is with more unverifiable explanations about his beginning by only borrowing small sections of other recordings to cover moment's when Hatto's playing was marred by "grunts of pain." The cancer, remember. Obviously, it's tragic that she suffered from this cancer, but her husband is clearly still playing that card to elicit sympathy and build what is almost certainly a fraudulent sob story to excuse what he did. Conveniently, he seems to have destroyed all the evidence and hopes the world will just believe he started out with the best of intentions, just covering a little grunt here and there, and somehow ended up stealing entire performances. I hate it when that happens.

1 comment:

  1. I think this "confession" is almost more irritating than his original denial of any wrongdoing.
